This procedure traces the entry to procedure. 该过程跟踪对应于过程的条目。
If any ordered item cannot be fulfilled, the procedure rolls back the order entry. 如果有任何订购项没有得到满足,过程将回滚该订单条目。
This procedure to the traditional boring data entry into a professional and technical colleagues in the guessing game. 这个程序把传统的无聊的资料输入变成一个同事专业技术的猜谜游戏。
Components that automatically call a procedure when an entry is written to a log. 当在日志中写入项时,这些处理程序会自动调用一个过程。
In case the application for record approval has not been submitted before shipment, a retrospective procedure at the time of entry will be needed. 因特殊情况未能事先办理备案核准手续的,在入境时可向山西出入境检验检疫局申请补办。
This procedure does not cause an entry to be made in the fault memory. 此过程不会导致在故障记忆中记录故障。
A procedure may have more than one entry; each entry usually includes an identifier, called the entry name, and may include formal parameters. 一个过程可以有多个入口,通常每个入口包括一个称为入口名的标识符,还可能包括一些形式参数。
The third, procedure of NT network remote entry through telephone-card; 通过电话线远程登录NT网络的步骤;
Although the law is far from perfect in its content, procedure and validity, it is of positive significance to the construction of the current international law, especially to the revision of the educational law after our entry into WTO. 尽管这一法律在内容、程序及效力等方面表现得还远未完善与成熟,但对当前国际法的构建,尤其是对刚刚加入WTO的我国教育法的修订有着积极的指导意义。
The first part explores the procedure and the mode of West's entry to literature. 上编考察了西部进入文学的过程和方式。
For the design of a specific circuit, the procedure of gate array automatic design which involves schematic entry, simulation, time verification, automatic placement and routing, as well as layout data generation and its conversion has been developed systematically. 结合具体的电路设计,本文系统地论述了从逻辑输入到逻辑模拟与时间验证、版面设计与自动布局布线、版图数据的自动生成与转换等完整的门阵列自动设计过程。
The retrial procedure is a special relief program, its purpose is to correct the court had wrongly entry into force of the referee, in order to achieve the impartiality of the judiciary. 再审程序是一项特殊的救济程序,其目的是通过对法院生效错误裁判的纠正,以实现司法的公正。